By Lisa Larroque Alexander, senior vice president and chief sustainability officer of Sempra
The answer is yes. Yes, to harnessing the sun and wind, and developing renewable natural gas and all manner of hydrogen to fuel our everyday activities and the adventures we are still dreaming about. Yes, to cleaner air and to energy systems that deliver what you need when you need it — at a price you can afford. Yes, to feeling good after your long road trip to witness the beauty of a 3,000-year-old tree because you arrived in a zero-emission vehicle fueled by clean energy.
There is now great consensus that the climate is changing, and that society must work to decarbonize our lives to slow environmental, economic and social impacts. With energy integral to every facet of modern life, developing clean energy infrastructure will underpin the transition to a net-zero future and enable new possibilities for all.
How we reach this cleaner future is Sempra’s moonshot opportunity. We want to help ensure energy is increasingly abundant, cleaner and more affordable. From California to Texas to global energy markets, we hear a consistent plea to explore all options that advance a sustainable future.
As the energy company with the largest U.S. customer base, we understand that the markets we serve have diverse needs and we are determined to explore a multitude of decarbonization solutions. We believe in diversity of choice. The choice to prioritize affordability, to choose cleaner fuels like hydrogen and renewable natural gas and to choose electrification powered by the sun and wind.
At the Sempra family of companies, we believe in being a positive force for change within our industry and the communities we serve to achieve a sustainable future.
We will continue to tap into the deep knowledge and expertise of our 20,000 employees to pioneer cleaner, more resilient energy systems rooted in investments in three key capabilities: decarbonization, diversification and digitalization.
Diversifying and modernizing North America’s energy networks allows us to bring more renewables online, advance energy storage and scale new, increasingly clean fuel sources — all of which help advance decarbonization goals and enhance resilience. Globally, by exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG), we are helping our allies say no to coal and yes to energy security, affordability and reliability. Will American ingenuity and innovation continue to guide our way? The answer is yes.
We believe electrifying segments of the transportation sector, homes, businesses and some industrial processes can help reduce emissions and make decarbonization an easier choice. Equally important is our belief that existing infrastructure, such as natural gas pipelines, coupled with cleaner fuels can further reduce emissions from industrial and building uses that cannot be electrified because it is not technologically or economically practical, and within the medium-to-heavy-duty transportation sectors, particularly those requiring long distances and short refueling times.
We believe diversified energy infrastructure helps enable many paths to a sustainable future. The markets we serve deserve options for how to achieve their sustainability goals without sacrificing affordability, reliability and security. If you are asking yourself whether we should be working together to create more clean energy choices, prioritize innovation and offer a wide range of options to meet our decarbonized energy future, the answer is yes.
Learn more about how Sempra is saying yes to a sustainability-centered business approach in its interactive corporate sustainability report.