Up to $8,550 in incentives makes rebuilding with more energy-saving systems and appliances more affordable
LOS ANGELES, April 26, 2018 – Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) today announced that, for customers who lost homes in the Thomas Fire or January 9th debris flow, the company will substantially increase financial incentives for those who wish to rebuild using sustainable designs and ultra-efficient appliances. The incentives will be offered through the California Advanced Homes Program (CAHP), which helps offset costs of creating environmentally-friendly energy-efficient homes and communities.
“SoCalGas understands that those who need to rebuild their homes are faced with many challenges, and we hope this additional incentive encourages those who want to build to the highest energy-saving standards can do so more a bit more affordably,” said Lisa Alexander, SoCalGas vice president of customer solutions and communications. “The improved energy savings will allow customers to also save money through reduced energy bills.”
For Thomas Fire and January 9th debris flow victims, SoCalGas will increase CAHP incentive dollars by 50 percent, and will work with planning officials from Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties as well as the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance (VCREA) to identify those who are eligible. By rebuilding with more efficient appliances, homeowners stand to save on monthly energy costs. The more efficient appliances will also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Ventura County is working diligently to assist residents who lost their homes in the Thomas Fire, and we would welcome and support these efforts to make their new homes more sustainable and energy efficient,” said Chris Stephens, director of the Ventura County Resource Management Agency.
“Improving sustainability through programs like CAHP will help people reduce their carbon footprint, which will in turn reduce the potential of extreme weather-related disasters,” said Rob Lewin, director of Santa Barbara County’s Office of Emergency Management.
SoCalGas is a leader in developing technologies that reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while keeping bills affordable for customers. Since 1990, the company’s energy efficiency and rebate programs have reduced emissions equal to taking almost 700,000 cars off the road. These advances have also helped save SoCalGas customers more than $670 million in utility bill costs.
To further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, SoCalGas is working to increase the amount of renewable natural gas – sourced from agriculture and waste – it delivers to customers. A recently-released analysis found that California could achieve the same greenhouse gas reductions as electrifying homes and buildings—but at a much lower cost—by replacing just a fraction of the natural gas that is delivered through our pipelines with this renewable natural gas.
Customers who want to rebuild using CAHP incentives work with their building contractor and a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Rater to have their home features tested and rated using certain California Energy Commission standards. More information is available at socalgas.com.
About SoCalGas
Headquartered in Los Angeles, SoCalGas® is the largest natural gas distribution utility in the United States, providing clean, safe, affordable and reliable natural gas service to 21.7 million customers in Central and Southern California. Its service territory spans 22,000 square miles from Fresno to the Mexican border, reaching more than 550 communities through 5.9 million meters and 101,000 miles of pipeline. More than 90 percent of Southern California single-family home residents use natural gas for home heat and hot water. In addition, natural gas plays a key role in providing electricity to Californians—about 60 percent of electric power generated in the state comes from gas-fired power plants.
SoCalGas has served communities in California for 150 years and is committed to being a leader in the region’s clean energy future. The company is working to accelerate the use of renewable natural gas, a carbon-neutral or carbon-negative fuel created by capturing and conditioning greenhouse gas emissions from farms, landfills and wastewater treatment plants. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE), a Fortune 500 energy services holding company based in San Diego. For more information visit socalgas.com/newsroom or connect with SoCalGas on Twitter (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@SoCalGas) and Facebook.
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Melissa Bailey Office of Media and Public Information Media line: (213) 244-2442 Mobile: (213) 453-6537