Corporate giving guidelines & FAQs

Investing in our communities

Sempra is delivering energy with a purpose and is committed to making social investments in the areas we believe have an important role to play in achieving a sustainable future and where we can have the most impact: climate action, diversity & inclusion and economic prosperity. We seek to partner with nonprofit organizations in the communities we serve and live in that meet the following criteria:

Funding Guidelines

In order to qualify, organizations must have:

  • A program that aligns with our priorities of climate action, diversity & inclusion or economic prosperity.
  • A primary focus in communities where our employees live and work: Texas, Washington D.C., Central & Southern California and Mexico.
  • A valid tax identification number and be in good standing with the IRS.

Exclusions and restrictions

We are unable to provide funding to:

  • Individuals;
  • Private foundations, endowment funds or for-profit organizations;
  • Organizations that practice discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, physical or mental disabilities, race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry;
  • Sectarian or denominational religious groups, except for programs that are broadly promoted, available to anyone and free from religious orientation;
  • Political parties, candidates, or partisan groups; or
  • Organizations that fall outside of our giving priorities, policies and/or guidelines

Sempra generally does not fund:

  • Organizations that already receive funding for programs or projects from our operating companies San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Gas Company or Sempra Infrastructure
  • Scholarship programs
  • Capital-improvements, capital equipment, or building funds
  • Sports teams and sporting events
  • General operating expenses unrelated to the execution of the proposed program or project
  • Travel expenses unrelated to the execution of the project
  • Loans or loan guarantees
  • Debt reduction or past operating deficits
  • Liquidation of an organization

Frequently asked questions

What internet browsers are compatible with the online grant applications?

Our online grant applications are compatible with:

  • Internet Explorer® 10
  • Internet Explorer® 9
  • Internet Explorer® 8
  • Mozilla® Firefox® (for PC and Mac)
  • Safari® (for PC and Mac)
  • Google Chrome

How should I enter the tax I.D. number?

Enter the applying organization’s non-profit (e.g. tax I.D. #12-3456789, with or without the dash). If you do not have a valid non-profit tax I.D. number, but have an organization that is a valid non-profit and has agreed to be your fiduciary or fiscal agent, following these instructions:

  • Enter the applying organization’s tax I.D. number and address, if it is a fiduciary or fiscal agent, use their tax I.D. number and address;
    Enter the applying organization’s name;
    Enter the legal name of the applying organization, if it is a fiduciary or fiscal agent, use their legal name;

I received a message indicating I need to allow “cookies” in order to use the application.

The online application places a "cookie" on your computer to enable the 'save and finish later' functionality. Please check your browser settings and select "allow cookies" if you receive an error message.

A cookie is just a small chunk of data that allows web browsers to track, personalize, and save information about each person's interaction with a website, enhancing the user experience by remembering preferences, login details and other personalized settings.

What username and password should be used on the login page?

First time applicants from an organization must create a username and password, which will be used each time they log in to the online application system. 

If the organization has applied in the past, it is best to use those same login credentials. If you do not have that information, you will need to create a username and password.

What street address should I use?

Use the address that is on file with the IRS. If you have moved and the current address associated with your organization has not been updated through the IRS, use the address on the organization’s website or their P.O. box mailing address (do not use a home address).

Do I have to complete the application in one session?

No, you can start the application and choose to save and finish it later. Just click on the "Save and Finish Later" button located at the bottom of any application page. Selecting the "Review & Submit" button will submit the application to the Sempra Foundation for review, and the application will no longer be available for editing.

How do I return to review, revise and/or submit the application previously saved but not submitted?

After clicking on “Save and Finish Later” button, you will receive an automated email with a link to access your application. Click on the link and enter your login credentials. You will be brought to a yellow screen that shows your in-progress applications. Click on the version you want to review.

Note: you can save this link to your browser favorites for easy access.

Where do I forward my online proposal?

Once your application is complete, click the "Review & Submit" button at the bottom of the last page. When you are ready to submit, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once your application has been submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Keep this email for your records.

Please add our email address, [email protected], to your email account's address book to ensure that these messages arrive in your inbox.

I clicked on the submit button in error, how do I get the application back to continue working on it?

Once an application is submitted, via clicking the submit button, the application is no longer available to edit; it has moved into the system to begin the review process.

Why can’t I return to the original link on the Sempra site to access the application in progress?

Accessing the original link will start a new application and create a new account.

I have entered my email address and password and still cannot access my application or “my account” page.

Please check your entries to make sure that you have not misspelled anything and make sure that you are using the same email address and password used to initially log in and create your account. If you are still unsuccessful in accessing your account, please email [email protected].

I have logged into my account and don’t see my application listed.

Be sure you are using the link provided in the automated email you received the last time you clicked “Save and Finish Later” on your application. If you are taken to a new application, you may not be using the correct link to get back to your account.  

Once logged in, you will see all pending and submitted applications for that account. Use the drop-down on the right side of the page to toggle between In Progress Applications and Submitted Applications.

I logged in as a returning applicant and it takes me to a blank application.

If you logged in to work on an in-progress application and saw a blank page, you did not choose the "Save and Finish Later" button before you exited the program previously, and your work was not saved. Unfortunately, you will need to start a new application.

I forgot my password and clicked on the “forgot password” link and I get an error message.

Please check to see if the email address you are using now is different from the one you initially used to log in and create an account. Please also check the spelling. If you are still unsuccessful in accessing your account, please email [email protected]

For additional technical support with your application, contact [email protected].

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