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January 07, 2021

Faith in Democracy and Living Our Values

Submitted by fp-admin on

In light of yesterday’s events in our nation’s capital, I want to provide you with clarity about Sempra’s position and reassurance about our path forward.

First, safety remains our top priority. That is why as a follow-up to reports of violence yesterday at the U.S. Capitol, we closed our Washington, D.C., office and elevated our security monitoring. We also connected personally with each employee in the area to confirm they and their families were safe and out of harm’s way.

Second, we reached out to external colleagues in the area — including alliance partners, consultants and congressional and agency staff — to check on their well-being and offer our support. While it appears the protests may be ebbing, you can expect that we will continue to actively monitor the situation with a view toward supporting all of our employees and partners.

Finally, America relies on a tradition of self-governance that privileges differing opinions and points of view. That is why we have deep faith in the strength of our democracy and trust that the important work of Congress will transcend those who seek to disrupt our government. Violence of any kind is an unacceptable form of political protest.

In this moment, and in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, it is important to be mindful of our valuesdoing the right thing, championing people and shaping the future.

Much like our need to model leadership in safety, it is just as important to be a model for our values and support our democratic ideals — the same ideals that underpin a prosperous and free nation for all.

Ever forward together,

Jeffrey Martin signature

Jeffrey W. Martin
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Meet Jeffrey Martin