The term “philanthropist” may conjure mental pictures of wise and wealthy do-gooders or bronze plaques adorning the walls of cultural institutions. The reality is that philanthropists are everyday people throughout our communities and workplaces helping, often silently, to make the world a better place. Sempra’s employees have long embraced a service mindset and contributed their time, talent and treasure to important causes.
In 2022, employees across the Sempra family of companies united to shape the future by giving more than $2.5 million and volunteering nearly 32,000 hours in support of charitable organizations. Sempra Foundation — founded and fully funded by Sempra — contributed another $2.7 million in match funds.
Employee giving areas
These totals reflect investments of time and money toward causes that matter to employees. More than half of employee donations and match funds supported health and human service organizations, such as charities focusing on humanitarian needs, disaster relief and medical research. Employees also supported educational organizations, directing nearly 30% of contributions to schools, colleges and universities, and organizations helping students at all levels succeed.
Volunteering wide and far
In addition to this generous giving of resources, Community Relations teams and Employee Resource Groups/Affinity Groups gave the gift of their time and participated in hundreds of programs throughout the year. Volunteers supported the following types of programs, among many others:
Food and diaper donation and distributions centers
Back-to-school supply drives
Youth mentoring programs
Tree planting and habitat restoration initiatives
Walks for Alzheimer’s and various forms of cancer
The U.S. Navy’s Bay Bridge Run
Scholarship programs
To further our vision of delivering energy with purpose, a group of Sempra employees traveled to Mexico to help install cleaner cookstoves and other clean energy assets to help improve rural communities.
Four Days of Gratitude
A special Four Days of Gratitude campaign played a key role inspiring action across our workforce. During a special 2022 holiday season campaign, Sempra Foundation provided a double-match to employee donations. Over $580,000 in donations were raised, driving $1.2 million in match funds from Sempra Foundation. Employees logged nearly 1,400 individual donations to over 800 charitable organizations and schools.
Small acts of giving can make a big difference. Only by working together can we advance a better future for all.